From my quick reading of the security paper, it
appears that security
implemented using Chain of Responsibility from the root, which means
structure inherits from its parent because control passes through the
Yes, it is implemented using the Chain of Responsiblity Pattern, but it
starts even before the root. The security roles and its permissions are
initialized from the settings of the server (if I remember correctly
the security-extensions of David change this behaviour somehow). While
doing to look-up of the URL each structure (mostly folders are used to
do this, but it can be also done at page level) has the possibility to
replace the role definition.
So, what do you think? Is there already a virtual
folder class? If
will it be hard to make?
I don't think that implementing something like this is difficult.
However building an user-interface to make it easily useable is more
difficult, this will certainly change as soon as SmallWiki is based on
Lukas Renggli