By the way, Lukas, you said that you have already
done some work on
a previous query component but you lacked the time to finish it.
Can you send us what you have done or at least give us some hints?
Thanks in advance.
there are several sources (an I am sure there are more), but they are
all very old and require significant work to make it load and run:
- A group of students wrote sort of a refactoring engine, it can be
loaded from <http://kilana.unibe.ch/SW2NKDS>.
- Earlier versions of Magritte (e.g. see
Magritte-Model.150) had a
parser (MARelationParser) for a constraint language.
- Erlier versions of Magritte used this contraint language for
searching in Pier (e.g. PRSearchWidget in Pier-Seaside.lr.26).
- A longer time there was the beginning of a visual interface (like
the Apple Finder Search) in Pier, but I can find the version right
now. It must be somewhere in Pier-Seaside.lr ...
All versions given here are just the first version I found with the
given code, for actual usage you have to look for the latest version
for yourself ;-)
Hope this helps,
Lukas Renggli
SmallWiki, Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...