Miguel Enrique Cobá Martinez wrote:
El mar, 26-01-2010 a las 14:15 -0800, Randal L.
Schwartz escribió:
Is there any way to automate all of this in some sort of "doit"?
No way unless squeak trunk includes Gofer as part of the image.
Strange you should say that. I find the following in
"Bootstrap Gofer (if necessary), bootstrap ConfigurationOfMetacello
(using old Gofer API), then load the latest
version of Metacello itself."
Smalltalk at: #MetacelloProject ifAbsent: [
Smalltalk at: #Gofer ifAbsent: [
"Current version of Gofer from which to bootstrap - as of 1.0-beta.21"
self bootstrapPackage: 'Gofer-Core-lr.115' from:
'http://seaside.gemstone.com/ss/metacello' ].
Smalltalk at: #Gofer ifPresent: [:goferClass | | gofer |
gofer := goferClass new
url: 'http://seaside.gemstone.com/ss/metacello';
[ gofer addPackage: 'ConfigurationOfMetacello' ] on: Warning do: [:ex
| ex resume ].
gofer load ].
"load 'default' group of Metacello"
(Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfMetacello) perform: #load ].
This looks like it's loading Gofer automatically if not present.
- Andreas