< How does the body of this response look like? Is there some
information on what kind of internal error was
No the browser display a generic error.
I do some test but i found different conclusion.
In the test i display the same web page, based on some description.
I press the submit button when some description addCondition: are false.
And when pres / represe the submit button ( with no change on input data )
the answer change( sometime ok , somtime with error )
I have Squeak image " the server " on a notebook.
A) When i do web request from the notebook ( Internet Explorer 6.0 ) rarely
i have error : HTTP-500.
B) When i do request from an another PC in a local network with Windows XP
and Internet Explorer 7.0 frequently i have error.
The browser display a page with generic error : " Internet Explorer:
impossibile visualizzare la pagina -> i can't dispaly the page"
C) When i do request from anotehr PC in a local network with Ubuntu and
Firefox 3.0.8 sometimes i found the error:
" Connection Interrupped
The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading.
The network link was interruped while negotiating a connection.
please try again. "
I hope you understand my indication.