On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 4:52 PM, Dennis Schetinin <chaetal(a)gmail.com> wrote:
Is there any "correct'" way to render classes inhereted from PRCase? Here
are the details:
I want to represent an object, say Clinic with fullDescription, address,
etc. attributes. Currently I do such things the way I saw in Pier-Blog. I.e.
I overloaded Person>>viewComponentClass to return PersonView. And there I do
something like:
renderContentOn: html
super renderContentOn: html.
self renderFullDescriptionOn: html.
self renderAddressOn: html.
self renderDoctorsOn: html
It works ofcourse, but I feel there should be another way to explain Pier
(or Magritte?) how to render Clinics as far as I described them.
That's basically the right way.
In the custom render method you can use Magritte to generate a
read-only view of the fields, try something along:
html table: [
aStructure description do: [ :each |
(each isEditable and: [ each componentClass notNil ]) ifTrue: [
html tableRow: [
html tableHeading: each label.
html tableData: [
(each componentClass memento: aStructure description: each)
renderViewerOn: html ] ] ] ] ]
Unfortunately you have to add that yourself, because PRCase overrides
this default view of structures by just displaying the document.
And one more thing: I saw people mentioned
"Tutorial" but I don't know where
to get it. Perhaps it's where all answers are already given? :)
See here <http://www.lukas-renggli.ch/smalltalk/magritte> and keep
asking questions.
Dennis Schetinin
SmallWiki, Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...
Lukas Renggli