I want to mix raw HTML into Pier wiki pages, mostly for laying out
some parts inside <div>. For example I want to put a heading and some
text inside a box, like so:
<div class="bigbox">
Pier uses line breaks to start new paragraphs, so this gets rendered as:
<p><div class="bigbox"></p>
<a name="266725720"></a>Hello
I cannot put the <div> at the beginning of the line because the Pier
parser would not detect the !Hello as a heading then (! has to be at
the start of line).
I guess that there will be no perfect solution for mixing HTML and
wiki markup, but I'm willing to give it a try.
Here are potential solutions I could see:
- do a HTML escape (put <html> and </html> at the start of two lines)
- a bit better: do html escape and use Piers textmatcher to resolve
*internal links* and +embeddings+
- change the paragraph line break convention to what's used e.g. in
TeX: paragraphs are separated by two or more newlines (roughly
I'd love to hear your opinions, and maybe tips about possible implementation.