I got as far as PBEntry having an author and uuid but
from there...
1. Click on 'Add'
2. Select 'Component'
3. Choose your Seaside component you want to secure from the list.
4. The application is added to Pier now.
Now to get started with security you need to first add a few
components to manage users and groups:
1. The same way you added your application add the Pier components
1.a. Users
1.b. Groups
Now comes the fun part, securing the pages. Remember that the Pier
model resembles a Unix file-system, but with objects. Every page (or
component) has an owner and a group, as well as permissions for owner,
group and others. You can change these settings using the commands
'Change Owner', 'Change Group' and 'Change Others'. The commands
very powerful and can be applied recursively to whole trees. As well
as they allow one to add or remove specific permissions (such as
viewing or editing).
Hope this helps?
There is some more information in the FAQ [1].
Lukas Renggli