On Tue, Oct 1, 2013 at 2:22 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck <marianopeck(a)gmail.com
Hi guys,
I am using Seaside 3.0 and Magritte 3.
I have a MAReport in which I add as the first column a MACheckboxColumn. I
want to use this table to filter/select/unselect the rows of the report. If
I use a MACheckboxColumn as is (#useLinks answering true), it works, but if
I do (set #useLinks to false):
report addColumn: (MACheckboxColumn new useLinks: false; yourself).
it does not work anymore..the callback of the checkbox is not called
MASelectionColumn >> renderCellFormContent: anObject on: html
html checkbox
value: (self isSelected: anObject);
callback: [ :value | self halt. self selectRow: anObject value: value ]
Of course the difference is that with no links it uses
#renderCellFormContent:on: while with useLinks in true it uses
#renderCellLinkContent:on:. I thought it was related to the fact that links
do not need a form but checkbox do. I tried adding a form around the
checkbox, but no luck.
Any ideas?