Hi all,
As announced previously I ported the builder back to Magritte, as I believe it was a
missing piece in Magritte. A mail does not suffice to give the details, and in the past I
did 2 presentations on this topic (dry-ing Magritte,
I also extended the tutorial (build in with QC-Magritte, load QC-Magritte, and start a
web-browser on
http://localhost:8080/) with a chapter “technical details” where I made
another effort in explaining why we need builders. If this gives questions, please ask
Also I am not 100% sure a builder is the correct term: so if there are people with better
suggestions, please post them.
The coming weeks I will fill in the last blanks:
- add testcases specific to the builder. The old ones still run, ensuring no builders ==
no change.
- more work on tutorial.
Of course it motivates me, when people comment or ask questions, so I know it is used. So
thanks Udo for asking a question concerning QCMagritte, this helped me at least finish
this far.