I'm trying to do in-place editing on Pier pages (or rather I want to
use pier wiki markup in user comments in my app). Has anyone done
something like that before? I am using the seaside 3.0 one-click
I can do in-place editing with 'normal' text, the problem with pier
seems to be that the text that you want to edit (pier's wiki source)
is different from what you have on the displayed page (the HTML
rendering of the wiki text).
The Scriptaculous documentation mentions this:
How to edit server side formatted text (formatted with eg. textile)
Format the text on the server when the initial page is rendered. Add a
new server side action that returns the unformatted text in the
reponse and specify the load Text URL? option as a URL to this action.
The control will load the text from the server instead of using the
text on the page. The action that receives the updated text should
save it and return the formatted text as an HTML snippet in the
The relevant option in Scriptaculous Ajax.InPlaceEditor is
loadTextURL V1.5 null Will cause the text to be loaded from
the server (useful if your text is actually textile and formatted on
the server)
Now I see nothing related to this in SUInPlaceEditor.
Do you have any hints how this combination of in-place editing and
wiki markup could be done?
Thanks in advance