Hi Smalltalkers,
As you already know I won't come to the meeting the coming week.
Therefore I thought it would be good to give you a brief list of the
things I did this week:
- First, I went a bit deeper into SIXX to archive xml persistence of
the data. It was a bit tricky, because SIXX does a deep-save by default
and we would have all data in one single xml-file. Therefore I added
code to create a directory structure in the filesystem and to put each
structure-item into a single file. Currently there is no loading
implemented and the code is not attached to the web-interface, but you
can see a small example in StoreTests>>testSave.
- Then I started a complete refactoring of the inheritance in the
action classes, because we currently had some ugly code-duplications.
Most of the problems are solved now but not all the code of the
view-actions have been pushed-up yet.
- At the same time I improved the versioning and history mechanism. You
have now the possibility to restore or to revert to an old version and
to truncate history information from any point. I did not write tests
for this new features, but more is expected to come. Also I did not add
code to handle these things for whole wiki trees, because I think that
will be the task for a special management plugin.
- I refactored the visitor-classes, because there was a lot of
unnecessary baggage and I had to deal with inheritance. Especially the
stuff with inheritance (e.g. when #acceptPage: is called also
#acceptStructure: has to be called because Page inherits from
Structure), but I think I found a good solution.
- Today I tested everything on my new mac ;-) , because I couldn't
leave that machine any longer without touching but learning exams next
Lukas Renggli