I think you've a copy of WikiServer, use the
latest one and give it a try.
The binary application, yes ;-)
See the "self contents" In WikiServer I
changed that to
MAExternalFileModel >>urlFor: aContext
^ self baseUrl isNil
ifTrue: [aContext
urlForDocument: self
mimeType: self mimetype
fileName: self filename]
ifFalse: [ self baseUrl , '/' , (self location reduce: [ :a
:b | a , '/' , b ]) , '/' , self filename ]
That's a very cool trick. Thanks for sharing.
I integrated the change with Magritte-Seaside-lr.295, however instead
of using the standard WADocumentHandler of Seaside I added my own
handler called MAFileModelHandler. Like this I don't think I need to
worry about ascii/binary modes (AFAIK) and I can avoid unnecessary
copy and cache operations that the default implementation idoes.
Furthermore it does not depend on platform dependent file operations,
something I would like to avoid if possible (for GST, VisualWorks and
GemStone compatibility).
Please give it a try and let me know if this solves at least the
current problems when the file is served through the image.
Lukas Renggli