Hi Adriaan,
Again this worked like a charm. We now have refreshed
SmallWiki Workspace
We also moved to SIXX storage and did a complete
import from our old
wikiworks wiki! Party hard ;).
I do not suggest to use the SIXX storage as a main mean of persistence, as it is
much slower and less reliable than the image-storage. It isn't even included
with the latest versions of SmallWiki anymore and only provided as an untested
and unsupported example ... :/
The only taks you should use SIXX for, is when you want to move the wiki from
one image to another one.
Has the SIXX storage something to prevent you harddisk
runs out of free
No, but SmallWiki is open for extensions :)
How do I move stuctures from one folder to another?
I do it using some inpsectors on 'server root' and its children.
There is also a web-interface as an enhancement available that is able to do
exactly this task in a more visual manner without the need to have Smalltalk
knowledge. David Vogel, is it working? Can you help on this?
Lukas Renggli