Lukas Renggli wrote:
I would like to ask a question to the Pier users before doing a
change to the Pier widgets: Currently every widget has its own
hardcoded <div class="[custom_classes]" id="[custom_id]">
itself and it also emits a <h1>. I am currently building some new
sites and these <div> and <h1> tags rather hurt than help.
I wonder if we shouldn't get rid of those <div> and <h1> altogether?
I guess this is sort of a relict from SmallWiki where there were no
environments. Nowadays designers can add <div> (or other tags) around
a widget within the environment if necessary. There is no need to
write Smalltalk for that anymore.
Does that make sense?
It does. And, if there was some "how to" to use the new method, that
would be even cooler!
brad fuller
+1 (408) 799-6124