> If you have a solution (not necessarily with the
same design, but at
> least with the same functionality) that works in IE, Firefox and
> Safari I am very interested to include it into the main distribution.
I have this, only tested in FF linux...
1) change /environment to:
<div class="body">
<div class="boxes">
<div class="poweredby">Pier — Empowered by Seaside</div>
2) change this method:
PRHeaderWidget>>renderTitleOn: html
html div class: 'banner'; with: [
html div class: 'start'.
html div class: 'middle'; with: [
html div class: 'title'; with: (self expand: self title).
html div class: 'tabs'; with: [ self renderTabsOn: html ].
html div class: 'end'].
3) apply attached patch to the CSS (sorry about the different spacing...)
Damien Pollet
type less, do more