This looks like a problem with backward compatibility with one of my
latest changes in the Pier-Security package: What I did is to add
permissions to be able to control the commands on a much fine-grained
bases, not only on command level. For example that anonymous people
are only able to add Pages, but not components or resources.
Now the problem is that the security decoration does not expect
command classes anymore, but Permission instances. Permission
instances basically reference a command class together with some
additional constraints. To fix you problem you need to reset the
security model. If you are still able to access the 'Change Group',
'Change Owner' and 'Change Other' commands simply reassign all the
rights recursively. Else something like
PUSecurity allInstances: [ :each |
groupPermissions: nil;
otherPermissions: nil;
ownerPermissions: nil ]
might do the trick.
Sorry for the inconvenience, but sometimes a change like that is
unavoidable ;-)
On 19 Oct 2006, at 02:58, Keith Hodges wrote:
I get this walkback commonly when using Security
this is before I have added any users.
MessageNotUnderstood: PUAddPermission>>do:separatedBy:
* PUAddPermission(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #do:separatedBy:
self Add Component
aMessage do: [] in
MAStringWriter>>visitMultipleOptionDescription: {[:each |
object: each during: [s...etc...
*inst vars*
properties nil
command PRAddCommand
structure PRComponent
* MAStringWriter>>visitMultipleOptionDescription:
self a MAStringWriter
aDescription a MAMultipleOptionDescription label:
'Permissions' comment: 'Defines the set of permissions used
each nil
*inst vars*
stream a WriteStream ''
object Add Component
* MAMultipleOptionDescription>>acceptMagritte:
self a MAMultipleOptionDescription label: 'Permissions'
comment: 'Defines the set of permissions used tog...etc...
aVisitor a MAStringWriter
*inst vars*
properties a Dictionary(#attributes->a WAHtmlAttributes
#comment->'Defines the set of permissions used
accessor (MASelectorAccessor read: #permissions write:
reference a MAPriorityContainer label: 'Permission'
comment: nil
options [an Array(Add File Add Page Add Component Edit Copy
Move Remove View Environment Settings Change Group Change
Other Change Owner)]
* MAStringWriter(MAVisitor)>>visit:
self a MAStringWriter
anObject a MAMultipleOptionDescription label: 'Permissions'
comment: 'Defines the set of permissions used tog...etc...
*inst vars*
stream a WriteStream ''
object Add Component
* MAStringWriter(MAWriter)>>write:description:to:
self a MAStringWriter
anObject Add Component
aDescription a MAMultipleOptionDescription label:
'Permissions' comment: 'Defines the set of permissions used
aStream a WriteStream ''
*inst vars*
stream a WriteStream ''
object Add Component
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Lukas Renggli