Tudor Girba-2 wrote
Here is the code from the rendering in Glamour:
Thanks for the immediate feedback!
I realized from your snippet what was missing in my attempt:
| form window |
form := anAddress asMorph addButtons.
window := SystemWindow new addMorph: form ***morph*** fullFrame:
(LayoutFrame fractions: (0@0 corner: 1.0(a)1.0) offsets: (10@10 corner:
window openInWorld.
OMG! It seems terribly misleading to me to call something a morph that is
not a morph. This violates the principle of least surprise, and while
surprises are nice today because it's a holiday, not so much the rest of the
year ;-)
Humble suggestions:
1) change #asMorph to something like forMorphic
2) make #addWindow behave more reasonably
3) MAContainerMorph and friends -> MAMorphicContainer
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