Hi Janko,
Here I do not agree. This is ok for standalone Wiki
but no for a Wiki
as part of entire site, which is my ideal.
My ideal soluion would therefore be:
- create a new Site
- add it to SiteRegistry (SwazooServer in new, not yet released
- add SwazooWiki (as subclass of Resource) to above site
If you compose your Wiki that way, I can use it in AIDA/Web straight
Ok, that is exactly what I was doing up to now.
So AIDASite is
a subclass of Site, I think. Until now I did use
Resource as superclass for my SwazooWikiSite. Do you think I should
change this?
Probably yes, because Site holds SiteIndentifier (host:ip:port:
combination) for virtual sites. But I recommend to go in a way above,
that is, to subclass a Resource (CompositeResource?) with SwazooWiki
and add it to a Site, which is created first of course.
Ok, now understand why I get problems when directly subclassing Site. I
think that I only have to change very few things to make it run using
virtual hosts.
The main
problem is that I parse and analyze the url all by myself.
Actually I do not care if there are additional path elements before.
But when overriding the message #answerTo: of the Site-class it does
not work! Do I have to change something else?
You can make your own Url resolution if you want in your Wiki
resource. That way I did my new AIDA/Web, which also have its own url
resolution. Overriding answerTo: should work, just be carefull to
return a proper HTTPResponse.
Exactly, so this part is working. I only have to compose it with an
instance of Site now, to make it usable with virtual-hosts ;-)
Lukas Renggli