I just uploaded a new version of Magritte-Seaside, which only modifies
MADescribedColumn, to what, I think was a bug in the default
implementation that didn't take into consideration whether or not the
Magritte description was configured as sortable or not.
Name: Magritte-Seaside-EstebanMaringolo.359
Author: EstebanMaringolo
Time: 1 October 2014, 5:02:04.404911 pm
UUID: ae6b6270-d42f-4984-8bac-735a1f57f201
Ancestors: Magritte-Seaside-StephanEggermont.358
Adds #isSortable testing to MADescribedColumn delegating to its
Magritte description whether it is sortable or not.
However I don't know in which version it should be included.
In my opinion it should go both in 3.1 and 3.2 versions, but I don't
know what is the policy.
Can somebody please give me instructions or update the
ConfigurationOfMagritte3 to include this change?
Esteban A. Maringolo
ps: the issue tracker of magritte at
https://code.google.com/p/magritte-metamodel/issues/list seems
outdated, so I didn't add an issue for this.