Yes, I'll give it a try. I need to know pier
anyway if I want to use
it. It is just that I had a very hard time to resolve even simple
things in pier. I can accept the "structure is everything" thingy but
most of this is than "the structure in your brain" and that is hard to
follow. I scan again the papers I collected about magritte and pier over
the years. At the moment it is an infinite learning curve
Personally I wouldn't try to build a complex model as subclasses of
structure, unless they have a clear mapping to a tree. For example the
subpages of a blog are posts and comments, the subpages of an issue
tracker as issues and comments, and the subpages of a shop are
categories and articles. In other cases it is most certainly easier to
embed an independent Seaside application into the website.
(the structure seems to be a graph :) ).
That's true, but most important the structure and their children form
a tree, much like the directory and files on your harddisc. The graph
like structure comes from the fact that structures can link and embed
into each other, but that's just at the level of the document.
Lukas Renggli