3. Delete the content of the field, MADateDescription
an invalid date format.
Sorry, I am unable to reproduce.
Hum, I shouldn't trust my own memory. In fact, the problem has
nothing to do with the date format but when Magritte is committing
the changes to the original object.
I can reproduce the problem with a form structure (Pier.72, Magritte.
1) Create a form
yes, now I can observe some problems. I have changed and simplified a
lot in Pier in the past, but never looked at the PRForm "meta" things
for quite a while, so it is likely that there are some problems in
that area. I will try to fix these problems tomorrow.
2) Edit the meta of that form
3) Add a date element
4) Save the element
5) Save the meta
6) Edit the form
7) Assign a date
8) Save the form
9) Edit the form
10) Select the date and delete it (the field should be empty)
11) Save the form
At that moment, I get this traceback:
MessageNotUnderstood: UndefinedObject>>start
UndefinedObject(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #start
self nil
aMessage start
self 2 March 2006
comparand nil
inst vars
start 2006-03-02T00:00:00+00:00
duration 1:00:00:00
[] in Dictionary>>= {[:assoc | (aDictionary at: assoc key ifAbsent:
[^ false]) = assoc v...]}
self a Dictionary(a MADateDescription label: 'Date' comment: nil-
nil a MAStringDescription label:
aDictionary a Dictionary(a MADateDescription label: 'Date' comment:
nil->2 March 2006 a MAStringDescription labe...etc...
assoc a MADateDescription label: 'Date' comment: nil->nil
inst vars
tally 2
array #(nil nil a MAStringDescription label: 'Title' comment: nil-
'Untitled' nil a MADateDescription
self a Dictionary(a MADateDescription label: 'Date' comment: nil-
nil a MAStringDescription label:
aBlock [] in Dictionary>>= {[:assoc | (aDictionary at: assoc key
ifAbsent: [^ false]) = assoc v......etc...
index 5
each a MADateDescription label: 'Date' comment: nil->nil
indexLimiT 6
inst vars
tally 2
array #(nil nil a MAStringDescription label: 'Title' comment: nil-
'Untitled' nil a MADateDescription
self a Dictionary(a MADateDescription label: 'Date' comment: nil-
nil a MAStringDescription label:
aBlock [] in Dictionary>>= {[:assoc | (aDictionary at: assoc key
ifAbsent: [^ false]) = assoc v......etc...
inst vars
tally 2
array #(nil nil a MAStringDescription label: 'Title' comment: nil-
'Untitled' nil a MADateDescription
SmallWiki, Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...