> Hello,
> I have folllowing the exercises of Magritte
> (
http://www.lukas-renggli.ch/smalltalk/magritte) but I can't set the
> default value of nationality field.
> Here my code:
> descriptionNationality
> ^ (MASingleOptionDescription auto: 'nationality' label:
> 'Nationality' priority: 55)
> options: #( 'France' 'England' 'Switzerland'
'Span' );
> default: 'Switzerland';
> beSorted;
> yourself
> Somthing strange is that I have 2 selected option blanck.
> I have try to do this with Title option and it work.:
> descriptionTitle
> ^ (MASingleOptionDescription auto: 'title' label: 'Title'
> priority: 10)
> options: #( 'Mr.' 'Mrs.' 'Ms.' 'Miss.' );
> default: 'Mrs';
> yourself.
> If somone know what is going wrong :-\ ...
> Thanks.
This works for me. I create a new class Tester with those two
descriptions on the class side and tried in Seaside:
| t |
t := Tester new.
[ self call: (t asComponent addValidatedForm; yourself) ] repeat
1. For the 'title' nothing is selected, because the default value is
not in the list of options.
2. For the 'nationality' Switzerland is selected.
How does your model code looks like? Is it already initialized with
something other than nil? Maybe you should give a little more context
In fact I use the tutorial package peek up from
I have just saw the mistake with 'Mrs' what is strange is that I have
a new option 'Mrs' with out the dot in my list.
Correcting this, nothing change for Nationality but he work for Title.
(I use Magritte 1.0.7 and Seaside 2.6)
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