I wanted to set up a script that starts SmallWiki (if it crashes)
with the old documentroot. So I wrote a file config.st with the
following lines:
sw := SWKom startOn: 8080 host: 'localhost' ip: ''.
sw storage: (SWSIXXStorage new delay: 60 * 60).
sw start.
and started everything with
squeak squeak.image config.st
But when I restart the SmallWiki, the saved documentroot becomes
So can I reload a root.xml in a fresh SmallWiki-Image? I didn't
find the semantics in the Methods. I think of something like:
sw := SWKom startOn: 8080 host: 'localhost' ip: ''.
sw storage: (SWSIXXStorage new delay: 60 * 60).
sw storage restoreFromDefaultXmlFile.
sw start.
Chris Burkert