i have a class Account with some descriptions.
Now based on my application state i'm interested to select and display a sub
collections of the relative descriptions.
In the Magritte 2.0 i redefine the instance description method ( in the example i
implemented it with descriptionFor: )
and at this time i select the relative class description and return it asContainer.
aMember := Account new.
cllDsc:= aMember descriptionFor: #( #update).
rsl:= self call: (( cllDsc asComponentOn: aMember )
addValidatedForm ;
addMessage: 'Aggiornamento item ' , aMember label ;
Now i work to port the code to Magritte 3.
My question is :
what is the best solutions to create dynamic selection of the descriptions relative to
one instance ?
I'm new to Magritte3 and i don't know the engine.
Can anyone give me some guidance?