When loading "Pier-Pharo-Persistency" in a Pharo 1.4, the following
warning is raised:
This package depends on the following classes:
You must resolve these dependencies before you will be able to load
these definitions:
writeKernel:on: /
Select Proceed to continue, or close this window to cancel the operation.
This is due to a reference to ImageSegment in the following method:
PRSegmentPersistency >> serialize: aString
| stream pointers |
stream := self directory forceNewFileNamed: aString.
pointers := [ [ ImageSegment new writeKernel: self kernel on: stream ]
ensure: [ stream close ] ] on: Exception do: [ :error | nil ].
(pointers isNil or: [ pointers anySatisfy: [ :each | (each
isLiteral or: [ each isVariableBinding ]) not ] ])
ifTrue: [ self directory deleteFileNamed: aString ifAbsent: [ ] ]
Would this be worthy to fill a bug report?