We as impara have implemented an external storage for the SmallWiki 1. I
developed it in Squeak using a 3.8 image and the newest version of
SmallWiki 1 (SmallWiki-chbu-0.9.53-sam.20, Monticello Repository:
I'm new to squeak and the code might not be very clean. I would be glad
about comments and suggestions for improvement.
I have loaded the package to the monticello repository
'http://kilana.unibe.ch:8888/SmallWikiEnh'. You need the YAXO XML-Parser
to run the extension (Monticello Repository
You can also download a complete image from
I already have ported contents from 2 SmallWikis (older versions) from a
3.7 image to a 3.8 image with the newest SmallWiki version.
For further information and how to use the Storage I made a readme entry
on the wiki for the SmallWikiEnh project on
squeaksource.com .