OK, I'm
testing now with -memory 128m but I thought that the squeak
take memory from the linux dinamically. I mean, I din't hope that a
max value has to be set. I don't know wath is going to
happen when 128
would be short.
It should allocate the heap dynamically. I believe this
wasn't the case
in older VMs ... which version do you use?
I'm using an image of squeak 3.6 but right now I'm asking to the
executable with -version (in the linux server) and it says:
3.4-1 #1 XShm Tue Mar 4 05:30:53 CET 2003 gcc 2.95.4
Squeak3.4 of 1 March 2003 [latest update: #5170]
Linux xombul.inria.fr 2.4.19 #2 Mon Aug 5 12:44:11 CEST 2002 i686
default plugin location: /usr/local/lib/squeak/3.4-1/*.so
I'm a little concern about this, I guess I shoul upgrade the VM on that
server. That's right?
Other question: if I have to upload to the wiki really big files like
70MB or more (and perhaps serveral of them) what storage strategy should
I use?
Sebastián Sastre