I think that we will have to have a discussion about
the use of folder
because now
when I create a Wiki the first page is a list of links....
Exactly, but I changed the title to "Contents of ..." to make it clear
that this is a folder. I think this is more or less the same as we have
in SWiki.
I understand the concerns of you and Markus, as you like to have
something behaving exactly like SWiki. But I want to have something
that is much more powerful.
As admin you might create folders and add a first page to each of them.
Then you disallow creating folders for users and just hand them the url
to the first page you created. They will have *exactly* the same
feeling as in SWiki or WW and they don't have to know anything about
the internals. I only expect admins to know working with a (unix-,
windows-, ...) filesystem.
So tell me when we can discuss
I don't know when, I am really very busy right now! Every day I get new
exercises to be handed in the next week and I should also prepare the
presentation for Friday. I had no time to do anything for the
presentation yet.
If you think it is very important and we should discuss immediately I
could probably pop-in this evening just after my lectures, but I don't
know yet when these will be finished.
Lukas Renggli