how pragmas are planned to be used with magritte and
pier ?
The details have to be determined yet, it mainly helps to ensure
extensibility and avoids to have naming conventions; probably there
are other possibilites:
* Magritte-Descriptions
- Now: There is a naming convention that all descriptions have to be
put on the class-side of the model and that their selectors should
look like #description[A-Z][A-Za-z0-9]+. Not only this is extremely
ugly but also forces other packages to override, if they want to
extend another package.
- Pragmas: It should be possible to define descriptions within
different methods, so that different packages are able to customize
the same description. Probably there are This could look like:
EditPage class>>contentsDescription (core package)
^ MAMemoDescription selector: #contents
EditPage class>>contentsDescriptionComponent: aDescription (seaside
<description: #contentsDescription>
^ aDescription componentClass: PRContentsEditor
EditPage class>>contentsDescriptionPersistency: aDescription
(persistency paackge)
<description: #contentsDescription>
^ aDescription persistencyStrategy: PROmniPersistent new
* Pier-Parser
- Now: The Pier-Wiki parser right now is quite limited, because
extensions cannot modify or extend its behaviour without duplicating
- Pragmas: I would like so simplify it so that it triggers sub-
parsers from line prefixes. These prefixes are defined as method-
pragmas so that other packages are able to add their own extensions.
Any other ideas?
Lukas Renggli