I tried to play with the lastest Pier and I found it
great to add the
formattings. I even uploaded my kernel (via ReferenceStream) and it
well. My specific classes just needed to be upgraded to replace
WARendererHtmlRoot to WAHtmlRoot and use #nextPutAll: in my hack of
MyWARender>>#writeOnLoadOn: (actually I added a #onResizeScripts
for my
session). Quite easy! but I would like to have some enlightenments
this actual version of Pier:
1) Pier-blog doesn't work. What's the actual state of it?
It works (at least on my web site and in my development image), you
just have to use the right versions of Seaside and RSRSS:
Magritte-All-lr.211 (the latest)
Pier-All-lr.189 (the latest)
Seaside2.8a1-lr.218 (not quite the latest, as the latest is buggy)
RSRSS-pmm.26 (not quite the latest, as the latest only works with the
buggy seaside)
2) I explore my new kernel and I can see the new
PRVisitor I added
in my
content (like PRItalicFormat for example) and I thought: What if there
is no well-suited visitors ? Could there be a way to downgrade a pier
application ? For example, I got the pier-r2d2 version and a friend of
me has the old pier-r2d1 version: I would be glad to send my kernel to
him but he doesn't have the special PRC3POVisitor I added. It could be
cool to "parse" a unknown PRVisitor heir as a new class
so that the mutilated pier kernel could work (the PRUnkownVisitor
could even remember the original tag if the pier classes finally are
updated to r2d2). This is just a suggestion. This idea could be
great as
(I hope) the number of pier webmasters should grow in the future and
everyone could be able to add its own specific text formatters.
I don't really get what you mean, sorry. If you convert the tree to a
string and parse it with the old/new parser you get a new ast without
loosing any information. This works both ways round. You could change
the way documents are serialized, not as a tree but as a string.
3) I think I read about some classes/projects to manage multiple
PRStructure (I often hack my environment to add my special +newclass
Is there any work about it?
Again I have some problems to understand. You can add your
environment templates to the class side of PRChangeEnvironment into
an (extension) cathegory ending on #environment (a hack to keep
people that use images without pragmas) and Pier will allow you to
choose from one.
Lukas Renggli