Ok, but the views are not supposed to be instantiated like this.
You can display the views anywhere in Pier by clicking onto the Search
menu item or by typing an URL like this:
The views need to cache the context because they can be instantiated
and used in a different context than the currently active one.
2010/1/21 Nick Ager <nick.ager(a)gmail.com>om>:
Strange. I
cannot reproduce that problem in the latest builds of the
Seaside 3.0/Pier image.
Sorry I should have included this the first mail. My steps to reproduce:
* Download latest build from Hudson server, I used 21st Jan build at:
+ changes
* Copy PharoV10.sources into download directory, start image and web server
* Register a new Pier app as:
PRPierFrame registerAsApplication: 'piersearch' kernel: (PRKernel new root:
((PRComponent named: 'search') componentClass: PRSearchView); name:
* browse to localhost:8080/piersearch
* type anything into the search box and press "search"
* MessageNotUnderstood: receiver of "root" is nil
Hope this makes sense
Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...
Lukas Renggli