I would have to write a function that allows me from
the edit in my
localhost to write a date,could you tell me please how can i write
only in date-format?
The simplest thing to do is that you do it using a single text field
and do something like:
textInputWithValue: (date printString)
callback: [ :action :value |
action date: (Date fromString: value) ].
The next step would be to split it into different text fields for day,
month and year.
| day month ... |
textInputWithValue: date asDay
callback: [ :value | day := value asNumber ].
textInputWithValue: date asMonth
callback: [ :value | month := value asNumber ].
hiddenInputWithCallback: [ self date: (Date day: day month: ...) ].
Then you need soem validation ... etc.
I haven't tried the above code but something like should work and it
should give you an idea how to implement your requirements.
With the help of Magritte in SmallWiki 2 something like this would be a
breeze of course ;-)
Lukas Renggli