Hello Lukas,
It appears that embedding a PRChildren component is broken. This is a
little tricky to explain.
At the point of visiting the embedded component visitInternalLinkEmbed:
the context's structure is correct, namely the parent structure being
displayed. ie. PRCurrentContext value structure.
By the time it obtains the structure from which to collect the
child-items, this structure may be something else entirely.
So it appears that the PRChildren component being used is one that was
cached, and this cached widget has itself cached the #context. I.e. the
old context that it had when it was origianlly cached, not the current
one in which it is being displayed.
I have posted my solution for this...
Name: Pier-Seaside-kph.213
Author: kph
Time: 20 October 2007, 9:24:28 pm
UUID: 75264720-7f4a-11dc-a343-000a95edb42a
Ancestors: Pier-Seaside-lr.212
- fixed typo 'Highlight' labels
- components obtained from a contexts componentDictionary cache have an
obsolete context cached in their #context