Hi David,
as there was no SmallWiki meeting today I am giving the code-review I
prepared using e-mail else it gets out-dated. If you have any
questions, please ask.
- Get rid of #isKindOf:
- Don't emit html-tags manually using "html text:
'<b>Role:</b>'" as
this does not allow to render to another output format. Furthermore the
b-tag is depreciated and won't validate for HTML4 or XHTML. Either use
"html strong: 'Role:'" or much better "html spanClass:
'label' with:
'Role:'" instead.
- Don't emit html-characters manually using "html text:
'&nsbsp;'" as
this does not allow to render to another output format. Use "html
space" instead.
- It is much simpler to use "html cssClass: 'label'" instead of
attributeAt: 'class' put: 'label'".
- Please don't use JavaScript, as it does not work on my machine
even-tough I have enabled it. It is easily possible to replace it with
server-side logic.
- Don't return associations of strings in AdminAction
class>>defaultMenu with tile and the url-postfix, but the actions
classes. All actions in SmallWiki are able to return their title and
know much better how to build their action-url than your code does.
- The class name of AdminAttachments doesn't seem to match what the
action is actually doing.
- AdminAttachments class>>generate_id: should be renamed to
AdminAttachments class>>generateId: as the underscore is not portable
to other Smalltalk dialects.
- Furthermore AdminAttachments class>>generate_id: should be moved to
Structure as it has nothing to do with the action-class and basically
works on a structure.
- Last but not least, you shouldn't need to use AdminAttachments
class>>generate_id: at all. As far as I understand you are building and
parsing this id to identify structures within a wiki. If you use
hidden-fields it is possible to pass objects from one action to the
other and you do not have to deal with strings, this is much simpler
and cleaner.
- I haven't implemented the read-accessor of User>>password
intentionally, because it is planned to store the password as a
hash-value instead of plain-text later on. This is a security issue to
have the password accessible like that and to render it when editing
users. It is the responsibility of the user-class to validate the
user-password using the message #validatePassword: and it should not be
accessible form outside.
- The following sections are some things that are basically reported by
SmallLint or things that I think could have been written simpler. I've
not tested the code I am suggesting, but it should work more or less:
Structure>>rolesIncludes: aRole
"check if a role is contained in a roles collection"
roles notNil ifTrue: [^roles includes: aRole].
Structure>>rolesIncludes: aRole
^roles notNil and: [ roles includes: aRole ]
Structure>>roleWithName: aRoleName
"returns a role with certain name"
self rolesDo: [:role | role name = aRoleName ifTrue: [^role]].
Structure>>roleWithName: aString
self roles
detect: [ :each | each name = aString ]
ifNone: [ nil ]
"return all children and their children.... as collection
- at this point: just return self in a collection "
| collection |
(collection := OrderedCollection new) add: self.
^OrderedCollection with: self
X bar
self class bar
AdminAction class>>defaultSeparator
"return the default string separator
- this seperator is used to generate the input fields of the
^String new writeStream tab contents
AdminAction class>>defaultSeparator
^String with: Character tab
AdminAction>>cutStructure: aStructureToDelete ofSelfAndChildrenOf:
"cut the indicated structure out of the tree, if the paste destination
was not in its subtree"
| errorStream myParents |
errorStream := String new writeStream.
myParents := aStructure parents copy.
(myParents includes: aStructureToDelete)
[self deleteStructure: aStructureToDelete OfSelfAndChildrenOf: self
server root]
nextPutAll: '--> Paste of ''';
nextPutAll: aStructureToDelete title;
nextPutAll: ''' was ok, but can not cut: destination is
sub-structure of the element to be pasted!'.
self error: errorStream contents]
AdminAction>>cutStructure: aStructureToDelete ofSelfAndChildrenOf:
self error: (String streamContents: [ :stream |
stream nextPutAll: ' ... ])
"split the string at its seperators and return array with substrings"
| first last collection |
collection := OrderedCollection new.
last := 0.
[first := self findFirst: [:char | char isSeparator not]
startingAt: last + 1.
first ~= 0]
[last := (self
findFirst: [:char | char isSeparator]
startingAt: first) - 1.
last < 0 ifTrue: [last := self size].
collection add: (self copyFrom: first to: last)].
^collection asArray
^self runsSatisfying: [ :each | each isSeparator ]
Lukas Renggli