Just wondering how Pier deals with internal links in a
document, looks
pretty obscure to me.
The syntax is backward compatible with SWiki.
The straight way would go for *An anchor>#anchor*
but it doesnt work.
Instead I get a structure creation link.
Thanks for reporting. This was broken and is fixed in:
Name: Pier-Seaside-lr.321
Author: lr
Time: 2 December 2008, 6:31:42 pm
UUID: 7d3f5f83-7508-480e-9e62-4f747e89ed68
Ancestors: Pier-Seaside-lr.320
- fixes the missing fragment
I try different thing, like *An anchor>@anchor*,
*An anchor>@-anchor*,
*An anchor>.@anchor*
but well, no magic works and this is definitely not intuitive.
The "@" is used to define anchors within the document to jump to. The
same character is used to define the jump target within anchors.
Paths can be absolute (starting with "/") or relative (everything
else). ".." represents the parent, "." represents the receiver
This is exactly like on Unix or even Windows.
So the following document works for me:
[lots of lines of text]
*goes to the top>@top*
*goes there as well>.@top*
Lukas Renggli