In the yesterday fix in Pier, Lukas corrected the
syntax error
PRStriketroughFormat to PRStrikethroughFormat. Like the PUSecurity
filtering proposed by Lukas in this thread, the following short script
could help anyone who's got a kernel with the old format:
| a f index |
#(#PRStriketroughFormat #PRStrikethroughFormat )
pairsDo: [:badGroup :newGroup | PRDocumentGroup
allSubInstancesDo: [:e |
f := e children.
index := 0.
[(index := index + 1) <= f size]
whileTrue: [a := f at: index.
a class isOsbolete
[('*' , badGroup asString match: a class asString)
[f at: index
put; ((Smalltalk at: newGroup
ifAbsent: [PRParagraph]) new setChildren: a children copy)]]]]]
"end of script"
Sometimes I need to change things like that. Unfortunately MC does
not track class renames, therefor this problem. Thanks for the
script. I now wonder how we could collect such scripts so that they
get executed if necessary?
Lukas Renggli