Pier is cool ;) it works great ( from squeakmap or
using the "acl"
image...) after recompiling the PRDocument scanner and parser...
Thanks, it is really annoying that you have to recompile the scanner
and parser. Currently I know no other workaround than recompiling. I
send the problem to a guy here at the university that is looking for
strange bugs using his implementation of an omniscent debugger, so
maybe he can find out about the real problem.
But in the two cases, I can't make the search
widget working... I
don't know if it's working or not...
It says token not expected in MARelationScaner/parser... I
recompiled it but still the same problem... Is it normal (not
implemented...) ?
Mhh, it works in my image, but the syntax is not as strait forward as
you might expect ;-)
Some examples that are known to work:
title beginsWith: 'Info' OR title matches: '*orm*'
level>1 AND text matches: '*ink*'
If you just want to do a full text search you can write:
I know I should create a new page about pier with some documentation
about its features. Also I should enhance the query parser to be less
picky about its input.
Lukas Renggli