Hi -
I just started to use SmallWiki and ran into a number of issues. Since I
couldn't immediately find the answers in the available documentation I
thought I'd ask here - but feel free to point me to appropriate
resources. Here we go:
a) I get an error "Unauthorized to execute the requested action." when I
use the following sentence:
The above will print as "Far:[a TestVariable(nil)]" where "Far[...]"
indicates that the object is not living on the current island.
Presumably this is because SmallWiki interprets [...] as a Smalltalk
block but then, it appears as if using something like:
= Transcript cr; show: 'Hello World'.
is perfectly fine.
Q: What are the rules for using [...]? How does one escape from the
Smalltalk block interpretation if that is needed?
b) When I use preformatted code like this:
= onValueChanged
= <on: valueChanged>
= self mumble.
The <on: valueChanged> part will not be shown in the rendering. Fine,
that's probably because <on:> looks like an HTML-tag, so let's change
this to:
= onValueChanged
= <on: valueChanged>
= self mumble.
This looks good when rendered, but once the page is being edited again,
it will revert (!) to using <> instead of < and > and thus, when
saved the line vanishes in a puff of HTML-logic.
Q: Is this a known bug? Or is there something I'm doing wrong?
c) It looks like IE has significant problems rendering some of the CSS
properly. The most annoying part seems to be the header where the
separators are just dropped. For example, check out
www.seaside.st with
both IE and Firefox; you will see something like:
Firefox: Seaside/Tutorial View|Contents|Changes|Search
IE: Seaside Tutorial View Contents Changes Search
Q: Is there *any* known workaround for this problem? To me, the
resulting pages look like garbage in IE without the separators.
d) If one tries to print, say
http://www.seaside.st/Documentation/GeneratingHTML/ the result is pretty
much garbage regardless of browser used. Firefox will only print a
single page; IE will do page breaks in the middle of text lines and both
will cut off part of the page.
Q: Is this an issue with the CSS used or with Smallwiki? Are there
strategies in Smallwiki or CSS to address this problem?
e) The Seaside Smallwiki at
www.seaside.st has a nice little navigation
bar on the left which I would like to use too.
Q: Is this a standard feature of Smallwiki? If so, how does one use it?
If not, who do I have to bug to get the code? ;-)
That's all for now. If you guys have an FAQ I think these might be
worthwhile entries to put there - I'm almost certain other people will
run into the same issues.
- Andreas