Hello All,
I have spent many hours trying to figure out the answer to my problem to no
avail, so I avail myself of your esteemed knowledge.
I am trying to implement the Person Manager in the tutorial. This should be
simple and for the most part it is.
I added the action method below to call the default Person Editor. It gets
called properly but clicking on the Save button does nothing. The halt code
is never reached, i.e. the editor never seems to answer...
| e p |
e := MAPersonEditor new.
p := self call: e.
self halt.
p isNil ifFalse: [ self persons add: p ].
The PersonManager >>renderContentOn: method is implemented as follows:
renderContentOn: html
html heading level: 3; with: 'Person Manager'.
html anchor
callback: [ self add ];
with: 'Add New Person'.
self persons do: [ :p |
html text: p firstName , ' ' , p lastName]
Can anyone tell me what it is that I have failed to implement?
Thanks in advance