Hi all,
As you probably all know I have made a library (QC Magritte) that is build on top of
Magritte. I think it contains a lot of good add ons, maybe not structured enough. I am
trying to clean this code up, so it can be used easily by all. At this point I want to
move 2 things to Magritte. One as a change, and one as an add-on:
I would like to modify the basic MAContainerComponent to cache the description and
pre-process this with the description builders. I believe this is a missing hook in
Magritte. It is easy to add, and you do not notice it, if you do not use it. Also it
applies to all platforms, not just to Seaside, so if you think this is a good idea, I will
also modify the glamour container. The following problems can be solved using builders:
- separating display from the model. Now you have to set your custom component classes in
the model. It is much more elegant to do this from the display side. To add a builder it
can set the component class for each type of description (using visitors), for the
application you want to show.
- adding security. When you pre process the description before showing it, you can set
fields to readonly, or remove them entirely from the description if the user is not
allowed to see those properties.
I would ilke to add a package to Magritte3-AddOns called Magritte-Ajax. In this add-on I
will put the things that allow Ajax rendering of the components. Of course this is on top
of seaside and only valid for seaside, but that is why I think it should be an add-on and
not in the core. This would be:
- The AjaxMemento. (QCAjaxMemento)
- the extension methods for Ajax rendering.
- the extension methods for the added Ajax properties.
- A renderer, that renders the component, using Ajax. (QCGroupedFormRenderer)
Please let me know if you think this is a good idea. If you know a better place to do
these things, or to put the code, let me know.
If people have questions about QC-Magritte, please do not hesitate to ask them. I will try
to respond them fast and I will be available on Skype and Google Hangouts.