It is definitely not a conversion method, the
description is completely independent from the receiver of
the message: it can be recomposed, reused with or without any
other model instance. What is more, have you ever seen an
#asClass conversion method to ask your instance for its
meta-representation (#class)?
Lukas Renggli
Hmm.. that's a good point. My inclination is to toss the word meta in
there somewhere, it is after all metadata, but you already said you were
avoiding that. It's not that big a deal I guess, I just wanted to raise
the issue since it was a problem for me. I still think description is
far to useful an accessor in "any" problem domain to use it as an
extension on Object, I'd at least call it descriptor, but I'm not
complaining. I love the framework man, keep up the great work, I check
for updates daily and have learned quite a bit about Smalltalk style
from reading your code.