Hi !
Pier is cool ;) it works great ( from squeakmap or using the "acl"
image...) after recompiling the PRDocument scanner and parser...
But in the two cases, I can't make the search widget working... I don't
know if it's working or not...
It says token not expected in MARelationScaner/parser... I recompiled
it but still the same problem... Is it normal (not implemented...) ?
A prebuild Pier image with access control based on Squeak3.8-6665 is
available at:
This is not a finished product but work in progress. The idea is to
give anyone who is interested a first impression and the ability to
provide feedback. However I'll march in this afternoon so I probably
won't be able to respond for a week.
You can find further informaiton about it at:
In addition to the acces control, it contains the following addons to Pier
- a bookmarks widget that allows you to bookmark structures
- a goto widget that allows you to enter a path and go to it
- a walback in the stlye of Pier
- ugly smilies
and the following addons to magritte
- descriptions for email, icq, aim, yahoo addresses
Known issuses:
- entering a wrong password displays a walkback and screws up the
kernel lock, this is probably a Pier issue
- bookmarking a structure bookmarks it twice, this is a SeasideAsync
issue, but I'll probably move tho Scirptaculous anyway