I would like to know why OneToManyRelations are not as configurable as
MultipleOptionDescriptions. It would be cool to get #beSortable,
#beOrdered, #beRemoveable... Is it just a problem of time or something
difficult to implement ?
If you take the Magritte exercices, a person manager is developed. The
problem is: why is the PersonManager a WAComponent ? Won't it be more
interesting if we get a Model and not a component ? The model would have
just one description ; something like:
^ (MAOneToManyRelationDescription auto: 'persons' label: 'Persons')
classes: (Array with: MAPersonModel);
default: Array new;
beOrdered; "to get a 'up' and a
'down' command on each line"
beRemoveable; "to get a 'remove' command
on each line"
beEditable; "to get a 'edit'
command on each line"