On 9 avr. 05, at 11:46, Lukas Renggli wrote:
can you say a rough estimate whan you want to
reach a beta ? I want
to reorganize my Smallwiki and don't want to do things twice if it is
only a matter of a couple of months....
we are now using an early alpha version of SmallWiki 2 in the Advanced
Design Lecture here at the University of Bern. The students are
working on different parts of SmallWiki and we try to improve the
engine with their feedback.
If you like to satisfy your curiosity I suggest that you browser the
lecture homepage [1], download the SmallWiki 2 image [2] and browse
the presentation slides [3]. Note that big and important parts, like
the security and persistence, are not yet fished!
And because of beeing implemented in Seaside, it
should run also on
squeak ?
Yes, I moved the main development branch to Squeak, read about this
decision in the mailing list archive.
As you probably noticed, SmallWiki 2 is described in itself. This
means that there are meta-models [3] for most parts of the wiki.
I'm currently working on an improved model of the layout engine. The
idea would be that a wiki is composed from different primitive Seaside
components, e.g. to display the menu, the login status, the current
path and the actual contents. In SmallWiki 1 we had the templates that
were composed statically, in SmallWiki 2 I want to use a meta-document
to describe the look of a page:
| *+Menu+* | *+Path+*
| *+Search+* | *+Contents+*
Powered by *SmallWiki*
sounds nice
so will have have a kind of table in which components can be associated.
Heading, Menu, Path and Search are all links to
primitive Seaside
components, the + means that they will be embedded and not linked into
the resulting page. Contents is the embedded document. So my rendering
visitor will walk over this meta-document and build the whole
web-page. When reaching the 'contents' it will jump from the
meta-level to the document level of the page currently displayed.
Does this all make sense? Any ideas where to put that meta-document
information? I am currently not quite sure where to store it ...
In the page and all the page sharing the same template will share the
same "template"
and a page can have its own by redefining locally.
Does it make sense.