Hi Chris,
I have put my work on SmallWiki 0.9.20 for Squeak on
SqueakMap [1].
wow, this is really great! I've loaded it from SqueakMap and it worked
out of the box. It is a good feeling to have SmallWiki on Squeak too ...
- copying Exceptions for debugging (related to method
You can see this by starting SmallWiki and then performing
a simple Search.
This should be no problem to implement in Squeak as Seaside is
providing basically the same functionality. I've taken the idea to emit
the exceptions from there and implemented it from scratch in
VisualWorks as this was not really portable code.
The idea of the link to open the debugger in case of an error has also
been taken from Seaside, but it is somehow differently implemented and
slightly tricky as you have to resume the exception within a different
process. Those that are familiar opening the debugger this way must
have noticed that it is not possible to continue the evaluation after
fixing the code, as Smallwiki does not have continuations (yet).
Please report any ideas/bugs related to the Squeak
Port to me. Lukas
has enough work to do :)
This is very true, although I suspect that you think of something
different than I do.
Well finally managed to reproduce the bugs that have been submitted to
the list the last weeks, but I found no time yet to publish it to the
cincom StORE. As soon as I publish it there I will announce listing all
the changes made ..
Lukas Renggli