I had troubles with the query visitor which was always returning
empty results. After some investigation, I found out that
MAAccessorRelation>>isSatifisfiedBy: was failing but the error was
eaten by #hasMatch.
MAAccessorRelation>>isSatisfiedBy: contains two typos:
- #descripition is misspelled
- #read: doesn't exist.
I fixed the method and it looks like this:
MAAccessorRelation>>isSatisfiedBy: anObject
| description |
description := anObject description
detect: [ :each | self accessor = each accessor ]
ifNone: [ ^ false ].
^ super isSatisfiedBy: (anObject readUsing: description).
Now the visitor works very nicely.
I have one question about the test case of the query visitor. Some
tests call a #matches: method that doesn't exist. I have tried to use
the methods of the String class but they are all rejected. How does
it work?