Hello Lukas,
I recently hit an error condition in rendering a component. Having
clicked 'debug', and continued, the PRContentsWidget refused to display
ever again!
Looking around I discover that beenHere has been set to true, and is not
getting reset, by anyone.
To fix this I modified
PRContentsWidget-#renderContentOn: html
beenHere ifTrue: [ beenHere := false. ^ self ].
self heading isEmptyOrNil ifFalse: [
html heading
level: 1;
class: 'heading';
with: self heading ].
beenHere := true.
[ html render: self component ]
ensure: [ beenHere := false ]
I am a bit behind the frontline at the moment, so cannot commit
effectively to the repo. It would be helpful to have a bit more
discussion as to where things are going, recent developments have been
hard to keep up with.
I would like to continue to plug Pier-Jetsam-Environment as the way to
go... The chosen Frame provides the central point for ALL configuration,
styles, js, environments, default content etc. Then we can publish our
examples i.e. a PierBlog example as a single class. This then provides a
standard mechanism for providing pre-packaged configurations. And as
explained before, the PRFrameAdmin is always available if you should
break your environment.
Finally, a suggestion, when a component fails to render, it is not
possible to use any commands on it, edit, move, remove etc. Even Damiens
remove children command is useless if the component that is broken is
embedded to a couple of levels. Could we please have something similar
to morphic's red box with a yellow cross. If an error occurs the debug
walkback could have a button, "Mark Component as Broken". Then that
component can be rendered as a red box, and the rest of the page will
remain usable. Could this facility be provided at the seaside level?
thanks in advance