John McKeon <p3anoman(a)> writes:
In the select tag for the "combo box"
html select
list: someCollectionOfAddr
labels: [ :addr | addr zip etc ]
callback: [ :addr | self doSomethingWith: addr ]
I've not written any
rendering for this box. I have used Magritte
^ MASingleOptionDescription new
accessor: #addresses;
label: 'Addresses' ;
priority: 400;
options: self addresses
it should render all the addresses in one combobox. And the elements are
TAddress objects. If I'm not overwriting printOn. I just got the usual
a TAddress in the combobox. What want is
a) having a TAddress rendered in this printable (short) form zip city;
b) If I'm clicking on the combobox entry I want to get the choice on
what I want to do. e.g editing this TAddress switching to the overview
of the Addresses or what else I might find useful here.
Does this clarify the things a bit?
My idea was that I probably have to implement something derived from
MAWriter but it seems I'm on the wrong track here.
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