On 06/12/11 6:07 AM, Nick Ager wrote:
I was wondering about using jQueryMobile to create a mobile view -
though as I write this perhaps a mobile rss reader and using Pier's rss
support would fulfil a similar purpose? Thoughts?
All I did was:
PRPierFrame subclass: #JQMPierFrame ...
JQMPierFrame>>registerAsApplication: aString kernel: aKernel
"self registerAsApplication: 'pier' kernel: (PRKernel instanceNamed:
| app |
app := JQMAdmin register: self asApplicationAt: aString.
self configureApplication: app.
app preferenceAt: #kernel put: aKernel.
^ app
I can't remember all the additional tweaks I had to make, to get a
mostly workable jQueryMobile look. (The Pier Browse view will need
re-working to fit in with JQM, so that's a TODO).
Unfortunately, the changes are one-way - i.e. the non-JQM web look is
not easily available. It would be great to be able to choose the view
based on user agent.
I can put together what I have as a PierAddon, and then we can try to
make it switchable based on user agent. Is there interest in doing this?