You can get the test runner by typing "TestRunner open"
in a workspace (really, anyplace that you can type text)
and then selecting it and choosing "doit" from the menu.
This is how you evaluate a Smalltalk expression. If you
read the SmallWiki workspace then you will see that you
evaluate expressions like
server := SmallWiki.SwazooServer startOn: 8080
to start up the wiki server.
But you wanted to run tests.
The test runner has a bunch of tests, which you can see
on the pulldown list at the top of the test runner window.
Ideally, you could just press "RunAll", except that you
will see that nine tests fail. They are mostly in Swazoo,
a package that SmallWiki uses. This is with VW7.2 on Windows.
John Brant suggested that the problem was in OSkSocket>>setAddressReuse:
I commented out the big message to self by putting " around
"self setOptionForLevel: ... value: optionValue"
Then I could start the wiki, but one of the tests still failed.
It was Swazoo.SwazooSocketTest>>#testReadTimeout. I read this
test, and discovered that it reads from a socket and sets
a timeout, but for some reason the timeout never happens.
It is only supposed to wait for .2 seconds, but it waits
forever. This is with VW7.2 on Windows.
You can select tests one after another
Novices shouldn't have to fix this. Wait until the authors
fix the problem.
-Ralph Johnson